Preparing your own income tax return may cause you to miss important credits and money-saving deductions that could minimize your taxes or increase your refunds. Even though tax software may sometimes be helpful, a qualified professional cannot be substituted. A Lewis CPA, we keep up with the changes in the tax laws and are looking for new ways to help you keep more of what you make. If you are an individual or small business we are skilled and competent to prepare your taxes to comply with State and Federal laws. We prepare corporate tax returns, multi-state taxes, individual income tax returns and trust income tax returns.also prepare multi-state taxes for businesses.
Tax Returns for Individuals
Our income tax return services for individuals include quick turnaround so you can get your money back fast. We’ll make sure you benefit from all the credits and deductions available so more money stays in your pocket.
Expatriate Tax Preparation
United States citizens and Residents working outside of the United States need tax preparation services that are specialized. We prepare those income tax returns and file them accordingly.